Thursday 15 December 2011


My Evaluation

I think this project for me has been good; all of the textures that I have made have been made in Photoshop which is the programme I am very comfortable with.
At first I found it hard for myself to think up ideas and my own creations for my street, in the end I ended up trying out every experiment that I could think of with the Blur tool and basically every tool in the filter section of Photoshop.

I think some of the textures I have come up with are good and others not so good and that i wouldn't use in my street. I have researched games and game textures, created my own textures.. Experimented with different tools... And tried to use a wide range of different ideas.
I think i experimented a lot with the textures and ideas that I had even though I did have trouble with making some ideas that I had come up with.

Most of the time when experimenting in making new textures I used the Filter effect, mainly using blurs and Render, render I used all the time to render clouds, fibres, crystals and so on. I am really happy with some of my Textures that I made and what the final appearance looked like.

My mood board shows the kind of street that I wanted to create, an almost perfect street like a suburban street in America. Where all the houses are block colours, quite bright colours even though I didn’t really experiment that much with bright colours in Photoshop. I wanted to get the textures right and get the paving, house bricks and roads perfect first.

My presentation that I had to do to the class I didn’t think went very well, I know this is because I am a very shy, quiet person. I feel that I could have done better but talking out in front of people has never been my thing.

Overall I think the project went well and that I produced some high quality work to be proud of at the end. 

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